How To Avoid Spikes In Your Car Insurance When Turning 70 Years Old

Insurance Blog

If you are approaching the age of 70, you might be surprised to find out that your auto insurance rates will probably increase when you reach this age, simply because of your age. If you are on a tight budget and do not want to experience increases in your auto insurance rates, you might be able to avoid them by taking the following steps.

Take a defensive driving course

One of the best ways to keep your auto insurance rates as low as possible is to take a defensive driving course. Defensive driving is a type of course that teaches drivers how to be more responsible and safe while they are behind the wheel of a car.

If you successfully complete a course like this, you will receive a certificate. You can give this to your insurance company, and they may offer you a discounted rate simply for completing the course. They do this because they know that people who complete defensive driving courses have a lower risk of getting into accidents when driving. This decreases the risk that you will file a claim, and that helps the insurance company save money.

Shop around for insurance coverage

Another good tip that could help you save money is calling around to ask for rates from several different insurance companies. While all companies base rates on risks, each company has its own formulas for calculating coverage.

When comparing rates from different companies, always be sure that you are receiving quotes for equal coverage. Check the types of coverages the insurance agencies are offering to you as well as the coverage amounts. This will help you find the best policy around for your needs.

Keep your driving to a minimum

One other good way to save money is to keep your driving to a minimum. Most auto insurance agencies offer discounts to people who do not drive a lot. The discount is often for drivers who drive less than 10,000 miles per year, but this amount varies. You can find out what the amount is by asking different insurance companies about the discounts they offer for low-mileage drivers.

With these three tips, you might be able to keep your rates the same or even find an agency that offers lower rates than you are currently paying. To learn more about the cost of auto insurance for seniors, contact an auto insurance agency like Webers Insurance Service Inc today.


12 September 2017

Understanding Insurance Policies

How well do you understand your insurance policy? Although it might seem like something that would be easy to figure out, insurance policies can be incredibly complicated, which is why everyone should invest a little time into reading their policies. I started focusing more and more on insurance policies a few years ago, and I was able to completely overhaul my personal level of coverage. This website is all about understanding insurance policies and qualifying for the right plans. Check out this blog for great advice that might help you each and every day. You never know when you might need it.