Effective Ways To Lower Car Insurance Rates When You Are A High-Risk Driver

Insurance Blog

Motorists can be identified as high-risk drivers because they have gotten into quite a few wrecks or accumulated lots of moving violations. While points eventually fall off of your license and some insurance companies won't penalize you for getting into auto accidents, requiring an SR22 filing is invariably a guarantee your auto coverage premiums are going to increase. Having an SR22 filing can be much more affordable than getting a surety bond or otherwise attempting to insure yourself in cash. If you have been identified as a high-risk driver, here are a couple things you can do to lower your rates.

Avoid Driving a New Car

Newer vehicles may get better gas mileage and simply be more fun to drive, but as a high risk driver with an SR22 filing you will pay a lot more to get behind the wheel of a new model vehicle. First of all, new cars have a higher sticker cost, so if an accident did occur repair costs would be a lot higher. Newer cars, especially sports cars, are flashier and attract a lot of attention. If you already have a flawed driving record you want to do all that you can to avoid or cause any kind of roadway distractions.

Look Into All Available Defensive Driving Courses and Discounts

It is likely that your auto insurance provider will suggest taking a defensive driving class if your rates go up due to an SR22 filing. In addition, there are other kinds of ways that you can save by scrutinizing your coverage. If you belong to a union you might have an exclusive discount that can be applied to your car insurance policy. In the event that you have worked to repair your credit recently, you might also see your rates go down by at least a small amount of money.

Partner With a Responsible Driver

Sometimes high risk drivers can either get an SR22 filing or be added to the existing auto coverage policy of a motorist with a clean record. Of course, this is only possible if you share a residence or a vehicle with another motorist who agrees to give you a helping hand. Having a spouse or even a parent who has a flawless driving record on your car insurance policy will most definitely aid you with savings.

Time will help you to eventually get out of the high risk category, but only if you practice safe driving habits. In the future, avoid receiving any further infractions and abstain from getting into any additional auto accidents so your rates naturally fall.


26 July 2018

Understanding Insurance Policies

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