When it comes to your car insurance premium, the vehicle you drive plays a big part in what your insurance premium is. There are specific deals about your vehicle that an insurance company is going to take into consideration when figuring out your premium rate.
The Age of Your Car
The age of your car is going to impact your car insurance rates. A newer vehicle is usually going to have more expensive repair parts than a vehicle that is ten years old. The cost of fixing a slightly aged vehicle is usually more affordable than fixing a vehicle that is less than five years old.
However, once your vehicle gets too old, your rate may go up. When your vehicle gets to the point where it is considered a classic car, your rates could go up again.
The Model of Your Vehicle
The model of your vehicle impacts your car insurance rates. If you are driving a basic model of a vehicle, your insurance rates are going to be lower than if you are driving the luxury or sports model of the same vehicle.
The nicer the vehicle, or the more power under the hood, the more you are going to pay for insuring the vehicle.
The Car's Safety Rating
Next, insurance companies take into consideration the safety ratings of your vehicle. A car with a higher safety rating, according to consumer crash test reports, will help reduce the cost of your insurance.
The Car's Safety Features
The safety features on a car could reduce your insurance rates. Some insurance companies only care if your vehicle has seatbelts and airbags. Other insurance companies will give you discounts if your vehicle has extra safety features such as back-up cameras or a collision warning system.
Ask and see what type of safety features you can get a discount on.
The Size of the Vehicle
Next, the size of your vehicle can impact your insurance rates. Generally speaking, if your vehicle is larger in size, you will get a bigger discount than you would if you were driving the same brand of vehicle but were driving a smaller model. A larger model vehicle can keep you safer in the event of an accident, which is where bigger can be better.
When it comes to your car insurance premium, your vehicle plays a big part in your insurance premium. If your vehicle is a little older, a more basic model, has a good safety rating and has safety features, you can enjoy lower rates. If you want to drive a sportier or newer vehicle, expect to pay more for your coverage. For more information, contact an insurance company like Angel Auto Insurance.
Share25 June 2020
How well do you understand your insurance policy? Although it might seem like something that would be easy to figure out, insurance policies can be incredibly complicated, which is why everyone should invest a little time into reading their policies. I started focusing more and more on insurance policies a few years ago, and I was able to completely overhaul my personal level of coverage. This website is all about understanding insurance policies and qualifying for the right plans. Check out this blog for great advice that might help you each and every day. You never know when you might need it.